Hello and welcome to my site
I would love to share a little about myself so you can get a feel of who I am.
I received this awareness many years ago, it was as clear as day -
"everything I touch turns to gold"
It was this very message that put me in a holding pattern, what if I chose the wrong path? The wrong thing? If everything I touch turns to gold then how priceless is that and how careful do I have to be about what and who I touch? However It is true - everything I touch does turn to gold. It is divine consciousness, purity, cleansing and love.
My exclusive private mentoring, therapy sessions and immersions are created to guide you into cultivating your own awareness, giving you tools to unlock your true connection and proceed with clarity and confidence. Through our work together, we step into the alchemy of transformation, turning what is raw or hidden within into the gold of personal truth and purpose.
My Abilities are deeply rooted in Psychosomatic principles, BioMedical Yoga & Meditation, expanded conscious awareness, and a finely honed sensitivity to see and feel beyond the surface.
I have an intimate connection to the language of light and express it freely through sound and touch, working across the full spectrum of human experience, from business and corporate worlds to the esoteric.
My work is a bridge, honouring both the rigorous science of medicine and the intuitive, sacred dimensions of life.
'Understand the duality of life and don't get stuck in either...'

Here to Educate and Challenge
All services are offered in person or online
I offer 1:1 Private Sessions, Psychosomatics and BioMedical Yoga Classes and am the Co-Founder and faciliator of The PEAT Training Programs
The PEAT Training programs reconnect you with your guidance system.
Awareness of your Psychosomatic relationship will bring you closer to independence, regulation and balance.
Our programs Amplify your Body/Mind Relationship.
Giving you the power to manage and lead your own life, whilst enjoying relationships with others.
in person or online
I offer private 1:1 sessions to those in need. My In-Person sessions are held in Melbourne VIC. Online or Onsite as required
You may already be clear on your needs I look forward to meeting you. You may be unclear of what you need, I am also ready to meet you.
I offer sessions that include emotional support, emotional release therapy, and emotional release bodywork.
Registered - NDIS and Complimentary Therapy includes Bodywork, Therapy and BioMedical Yoga Plan
Initial consultation is 1 3/4 hours, with any follow-ups 60 or 90 minutes.
Online sessions are 30 to 60 minutes
I offer Online and In-Person Psychosomatics & BioMedical Yoga classes - casually or by monthly membership.
My classes are designed around a connective approach, dancing between the innocence and the discipline. I do use meditation, breath work and asana, but also invite natural reaction, movement and sound when required.
The ETHOS behind my classess are FOCUS, BALANCE and STRUCTURE. By design they will ask you to reach into your challenge ans ee what exists there.
Perfect for those who are feeling challenged by anything and everything. I have worked in the past with Grief, Fertility issues, PTSD, Anxiety, Fear, Depression, Abuse. I also work as a spiritual guide and mentor
TRAINING PROGRAMS online or in-person
I currently co-facilitate and create for the Psychosomatics & Emotional Anatomy Online Training programs. I also facilitate In-Person Emotional Release Bodywork training, through my sister business The PEAT Training Programs -
The programs are designed to support Self Development to Professional or Practitioner Qualification in Psychosomatic Therapy with an emotional anatomy twist.
The program itself is a journey of self mastery at the deepest of levels. The programs have been designed primarily by myself & Gillian Maddigan, they are underpinned by 'The work of the late Hermann Müller' and the Psychosomatic Therapy College.
Programs, Individual Modules and Mini Course are online, they can be completed self paced.
There are many ways in which we can interact:
+ Join a Psychosomatics and BioMedical Yoga Class
+ Watch from my Large library of prerecorded online classes
+ Listen to my Podcast 'Under the Silence'
+ Subscribe to my YouTube Channel
+ Online Training - Pathways for Self Development to Professional and Practitioner training
+ In-Person Emotional Release Bodywork Training in Switzerland & Melbourne Australia
+ Become a Psychosomatic Therapist

These two words say so much to me, in the past they were throw away words that I really didn't understand the depth of.
Discipline is one of the key ingredients to life, it is located in the place of all desires and creation, the sacrum or sacral chakra. I grew up not liking the word discipline, it left a really bad taste in my mouth, it was something I wanted to rebel against as I did not yet understand the meaning behind the discipline that was being put on me.
Devotion is to be devoted to something you truely love, that love you find in the depths of your heart that is only felt when someone you love dies, a child is born or true love crosses your path. I have found devotion to myself, I have found that being devoted to myself I am more devoted to my life/family and everything I choose to touch.
A rose forms from a bud, to me the rose symbolises the yoni. As a woman our most natural way of being is to follow the path of the rose being the teacher of how to blossom.
We are designed to blossom in the heat of the sun or the heat of our internal fire. When we let our internal fire go out or we are not turned on, we can become rotten on the inside. Just like fruit, this is when we need to stew the fruit or heat it up again to make it sweet, our smell will then become attractive again to us and everyone else.
When we have gone through trauma or are afraid of attraction we will also turn off our smell or become less desirable. This is in our subconscious, we create a sense of comfort out of an imbalance and then see this to be normal. Womb issues develop from this.

I am this body, this personality that is whole, i have presence. I can be strong or invisible. I am a pulsating organism that can speak, not speak, breath quietly or loudly. I am looking out from this space called my body, I watch with awe what is happening around me, I am here to create, be something, even if I choose not to, it is impossible for me to be invisible or silent. I am alive and the condition of being alive is to create something.
I am young, my body wants to run, I can feel my legs, my heart starts to race, I giggle, this is life, this is what life is like. I want more giggle, I want more of that feeling, my hands want to touch and feel everything, my eyes going from focus to exploration, I just want to play some more.
I have been a practitioner of Psychosomatic Therapy for over 8 years now, I have also being teaching Certificate of Psychosomatic Therapy at practitioner and masters levels for 6 and 2 years consecutively. I have just completed 3 years as the President of The International Association of Psychosomatic Therapy.
What have I learnt - Enough to write many books about. In that time I have had many students and seen 100's of clients for many different reasons, they have come from many cultures, various ages, genders, sexual orientations and belief systems.
I have learnt so much, so much in fact that I have pulled apart and listened to all the feedback and am putting finger to keyboard or pen to paper to create the essence of that, the strongest details and successes I have had from this experience and the work.

“Poor is the pupil who does not surpass his master.”
Leonardo Da Vinci
Are you ready to dip in the tip of your toe or the whole foot..
My work is based on all of the above.
Our entire existence is based on chemistry.
I love words, art, play, touch, taste, smell, movement and stillness.

Psychosomatic Therapy to me is a deep understanding of the communication of your body mind and soul.
Your behaviour, is your 'being what you have here', your actions and reactions are a consequence of the current shape you are in.
When we understand what the tissue is communicating we then choose to accept or change it.
Psychosomatics is bring awareness to the issue, or shine a light on it so it is seen, with awareness it automatically starts to change, as it is no longer hidden or in the dark.
To me alchemy sums up everything that I do, I have found language in all forms sometimes not enough.
By working with the purest form the person can feel their forgotten language and it is even beyond the feel, it is a space of clarity and complete connection almost like conception.
I can label a workshop or an immersion and you can be doing associated tasks or behaviours and behind the scenes the alchemy will be happening.
Almost like ancient times when the believers tried to turn metals into gold. See Quote 'Psychology and Alchemy'

Tantra - loom, weave, system.
Tantra to me is the embodiment of the feminine creator 'Shakti' and divine consciousness 'Shiva'.
It is the understanding of the dualities of life and energy. Observing, feeling, embodying chemistry and subtle energies.
I facilitate beyond the body and yet deep within the body. Tantra to me is the journey to truth, it is my sex, my chemistry. It is observing the relationship, sex or chemistry in all interactions.
So much deeper than superficail sex or what is marketed and depicted in society.
Yoga to me is life, it is the deepest of connections to self.
My yoga or sadhana is in everything that I do, it is not only on a mat, or in meditation it is about my devotion to life itself.
The ancient practices are the keys to expand ones consciousness and allow us to journey between past present and future.
Yoga is applied in all that I do, my discipline with yoga means I can remain balanced, connected and in alignment.

To find out more information on our training, online yoga classes or 1:1 sessions, please get in touch.